Everything you need to know about Teeth Straightening in Dubai


Your smile is one of your greatest assets. Whether in social situations, important work engagements, meeting people for the first time, or sharing in fun times with friends, your smile matters. Some of us have insecurities about our smile that hold us back from showing our teeth fully and even stop us from achieving our full potential.

There are many options for restoring your smile and regaining your confidence. If you have crooked, overlapping or underlapping teeth, an overbite, gaps in your teeth, or would like your teeth to be straighter, we offer a range of teeth straightening options at Vilafortuny in Dubai to suit your lifestyle and budget, depending on your unique smile. Our experienced and highly skilled orthodontic specialists can advise you on the right treatment for your smile to achieve the look you would like, that is also functional.

Teeth straightening in Dubai is not just a cosmetic choice. Your teeth may actually be healthier once straightened. To understand this more, we need to understand how your teeth may have become misaligned and why your smile was designed to be naturally straight.

You Are Designed to Have Straight Teeth

We are physiologically designed to have straight and properly aligned teeth. When a child’s primary teeth develop and erupt normally then they `help to pave the way for a normal adult dentition. When teeth bite together correctly, they aid proper growth and development, allowing a child to learn to speak clearly and to eat a more nutritious diet. Teeth that are in the correct occlusion can help to protect the jaw joints, ensuring these joints do not come under too much stress.

Why Your Primary Teeth Are Important to Straighter Teeth As An Adult

If as a child, your primary teeth were lost too soon, to trauma or disease, it can negatively impact your adult teeth.

Primary teeth act as ‘placeholders’ for adult teeth, ensuring the correct amount of space is maintained until the adult teeth are ready to emerge. When a primary tooth is lost too soon, then the remaining primary teeth will begin to drift towards the empty space. By the time the adult tooth tries to come through, there will be inadequate space for it to emerge properly, so it is more likely to come through crooked and misaligned. This can result in a poor occlusion, where the adult teeth do not bite together correctly.

Potential Causes of Incorrect Jaw Development and Misalignment

Sometimes problems can be genetic so if your parents and siblings do not have straight teeth or perhaps have jaws that are too small or too large, then your risk of having the same issues is higher. Other problems that can influence jaw development include:

  •       Poor diet
  •       Oral habits including thumb sucking and finger sucking
  •       Using a pacifier beyond age 3
  •       Prolonged use of a bottle
  •       Having impacted teeth
  •       Having abnormally shaped teeth
  •       Enlarged adenoids or tonsils, or sinus problems or allergies
  •       Mouth breathing

Our modern diet may sometimes be to blame for orthodontic problems. Scientific research has discovered that people in industrialized nations will often eat a softer diet. As a result, their jaw development is too small and too short in relation to the size of their teeth because it isn’t necessary to chew food for very long, if at all. The mother’s nutrition can also affect the development of teeth and jaws in the womb.

When a child sucks their thumb or finger or uses a pacifier or bottle, it can cause abnormal development of the upper palate, creating insufficient room for teeth to erupt normally. Instead they are more likely to come through crooked and misaligned. Breathing through the nose is important for the proper development of teeth and jaws. Chronic allergies or sinus infections, or swollen tonsils or adenoids can block the nasal passages.

  1. Your Teeth Will Be Easier to Clean

    One of the main reasons why straighter teeth are healthier teeth is because they are easier to keep clean. If you currently struggle to clean your teeth thoroughly because they are crooked or overlapping, then you should find it much easier once they are straightened. When teeth are straight then they can be thoroughly brushed and it’s much simpler and more effective to use dental floss. This ensures all dental plaque is removed, reducing the risk of tooth decay. Often tooth decay can develop in between teeth, especially when teeth are tightly packed in and overcrowded. Straighter teeth are less likely to develop cavities in these areas, requiring fewer fillings while maintaining their natural strength.

  2. Chewing and Biting Forces Will Be Evenly Distributed

    A good occlusion and where your teeth bite together at the same time, helps to spread chewing and biting forces so that pressure is evenly distributed. These forces can be considerable and excessive force or pressure on just one or two teeth can weaken them. When subjected to excess pressure, these teeth can wear down more quickly than others and there is a greater risk of them cracking or chipping. Biting evenly ensures that any excess force is more easily absorbed, protecting your teeth.

  3. It Can Help With Healthy Gums

    If it’s tricky to clean teeth that are crooked or overcrowded, your risk of gum disease increases. Gum disease is caused by plaque bacteria building up over the teeth and gums and which can cause infection and inflammation. If not properly treated, gum disease can gradually destroy your gums and other structures surrounding your teeth including ligaments and bone. Without these structures your teeth will loosen, and severe cases of gum disease can cause tooth loss. When you can easily clean your teeth, your risk of gum disease is reduced. Additionally, excessive force on just one or two teeth, for example if chewing and biting forces aren’t properly distributed, can increase the risk of gum recession. This in turn increases the risk of tooth decay developing around the exposed tooth root as your tooth roots are not covered with protective tooth enamel. Instead, they are covered with cementum which is more easily eroded so it is easier for cavities to develop.

  4. It Can Help With A Healthy Body

    Having healthy gums helps to protect your general health. Gum disease has been linked with numerous other serious conditions and these include heart disease and diabetes. Having gum disease may increase your risk of developing these conditions or could worsen existing health problems. Additionally, healthy teeth that are in the correct occlusion can improve nutrition. As you chew food your saliva contains special enzymes that help to begin the process of digestion. When you can chew food properly then it’s possible that food may be more easily digested, promoting a healthy digestive system and better overall nutrition.

  5. Straightening Can Protect Your Jaw Joints (Temporomandibular Joints)

    Teeth that are in the correct bite will help to protect your jaw joints, reducing unwanted stresses and pressure on these joints that could otherwise cause inflammation and pain causing temporomandibular joint disorder. Temporomandibular joint disorder or TMD is also linked to bruxism which is a largely nocturnal disorder that can cause tremendous damage to teeth and to the jaw joints. By determining the stability of your existing bite, it’s possible for dentists to correct bite dysfunctions.

What Can Be Done If You Don’t Have Naturally Straight Teeth?

Even if you don’t have naturally straight teeth then there is no need to worry and orthodontics is usually suitable at any age, provided your teeth are generally strong and healthy.

Why See an Orthodontist?

Orthodontics is a dental specialty because orthodontists have received several years additional training after first qualifying as a general dentist. This enables them to provide you with the most up-to-date and most appropriate teeth straightening treatments, precisely moving your teeth into the correct positions, utilizing the most advanced orthodontic systems.

Using the very latest technologies, an orthodontist can correct even the most complex problems with malocclusion while creating a more aesthetically pleasing smile. In comparison, general dentists do not have the advanced training needed to correct anything other than straightforward teeth straightening.

Metal braces are still widely used, but today’s orthodontic treatments are often considerably more discreet than traditional braces. There is frequently no need for elastics bands which can trap plaque and bacteria and it is possible to choose options that are virtually invisible. Lingual braces are designed to fit inside your teeth, so they cannot be seen when you smile. Other options include ceramic braces utilizing clear brackets or tooth coloured brackets that blend in with your natural teeth. Some even have tooth colored wires so their appearance is extremely discreet. Then of course, there are removable clear plastic aligners, and the most popular system is Invisalign.

After this period, orthodontic developments stalled until the 18th century when Pierre Fauchard, who is often considered to be the ‘Father’ of dentistry developed a horse-shoe shaped appliance made from a strip of metal with holes that fitted around the teeth to correct their alignment. Fauchard also developed an operation to forcibly realign teeth. In the 19th century there were significant improvements in the practice of orthodontics in the United States, with the invention of headgear fastened to the jaw from the outside of the mouth.

However, it wasn’t until the 1880 when Edward Hartley Angle, who is largely considered to be the ‘Father’ of modern orthodontics began developing increasingly effective orthodontic appliances. In the 1970s new dental adhesives were developed that could fix the brackets onto teeth, replacing gold and silver with stainless steel. These innovations helped to reduce the cost of orthodontics.

Since then, orthodontics has evolved significantly, using the most up-to-date technologies including CADCAM design. Modern orthodontics can provide safe, predictable treatment outcomes, effectively repositioning teeth in a manner that is more comfortable and often faster than before.

Choosing The Right Dental Brace

Four of the most popular systems used today to straighten teeth in Dubai include Invisalign, Incognito, Ceramic Braces and Metallic Braces. Depending on your dental concerns, lifestyle and budget, an experienced and skilled orthodontist can help you to choose the right brace for your smile.

Invisalign is an extremely popular and well-known orthodontic system that is used worldwide. It can treat a wide range of orthodontic problems and is suitable for adults and for some older teenagers, using Invisalign Teen. It is a particularly good solution for anyone who would prefer not to wear traditional metal braces. Invisalign treatment consists of a series of BPA-free clear plastic aligners designed to fit tightly yet comfortably over your teeth. Lots of people find the idea of removable aligners more appealing because they are very easy to use. Although the aligners must be worn for 22 hours each day, they are removed whenever you want to eat and for brushing and flossing. Each set of aligners is worn for two weeks after which time they are replaced with a fresh set of aligners. These continue to move your teeth until the correct positions are achieved.

Advantages of choosing Invisalign include:

  • Dental hygiene is easily maintained
  • No need to avoid foods that could damage fixed braces
  • The clear aligners are virtually invisible
  • Preview your smile in computer-generated images
  • Aligners are produced using CADCAM technology, providing precise results
  • There are no metal brackets or wires and the smooth aligners are comfortable to wear

Who Should Consider Invisalign?

Invisalign is suitable for most orthodontic problems and which include overbites, underbites, crossbites, and open bites. This system can close or minimize unsightly spaces in between teeth and will correct problems with overcrowding.

Invisalign is also suitable for cosmetically oriented orthodontic problems affecting only the front teeth and these can often be corrected using Invisalign Express. As the name implies, this system is faster than standard Invisalign treatment, so your smile should look straighter within a matter of just a few months.

Incognito braces are designed to fit on the lingual surfaces of your teeth, which are the inner surfaces closest to your tongue. This is a fixed brace that once in place is very discreet and comfortable. Manufactured in Germany, this braces system is completely custom-made utilizing information from detailed scans and impressions of your mouth to computer-design and create each bracket and every wire. Using CADCAM technology provides a precision-made brace, eliminating any margin of error that can occur when brackets and wires must be shaped by hand.

Computerized technology also helps to ensure treatment is more efficient, potentially reducing the amount of time required to straighten your teeth. Incognito brackets are made from a gold alloy which can be beneficial for anyone who has a nickel allergy.

  • Treatment is discreet as the braces are completely hidden behind your teeth
  • Lingual braces can be a good choice for people who like contact sports, reducing the risk of damage to the braces
  • Custom-made brackets fit exactly to teeth surfaces, so they feel very comfortable and Incognito brackets are relatively flat in design
  • Treatment provides precise results
  • Incognito braces are as effective as traditional braces
  • Suitable for patients of all ages, including teenagers
  • Incognito can correct a wide range of orthodontic problems including complex malocclusion

Incognito produces two different systems which include standard braces as well as Incognito Lite which is designed to correct cosmetically oriented problems with your front teeth.

Who Should Consider Incognito Braces?

Incognito can correct a wide range of orthodontic problems including those that can be corrected using Invisalign. This system can also be used to correct more complex malocclusions because the brackets and wires are custom-made providing a high degree of precision.

One thing to bear in mind about Incognito is that initially the braces may affect your speech because the brackets and wires will contact your tongue. However, once you become accustomed to wearing your braces your speech should quickly return to normal. As these are fixed braces, you will need to keep an eye on your diet. Chewy foods can get stuck in between the brackets and hard foods could damage the brackets and wires. Lingual braces can require a little more care to keep them thoroughly clean as the brackets are less easily accessible compared to brackets fixed to the outer surfaces of your teeth.

Ceramic or clear braces use clear or tooth coloured brackets and which are attached to thin, discrete wires. These wires may also be tooth coloured, so they blend in beautifully with your natural teeth. The ceramic material used to fabricate the brackets is tough and quite stain resistant, providing a good alternative to more traditional metal braces. Clear brace brackets may also be made from a plastic polycarbonate material. Just like conventional metal brackets, clear or tooth coloured brackets are individually cemented to each tooth before being connected using a wire.

Your orthodontist will precisely plan the placement of each bracket, so they can carefully move your teeth into the correct positions, until they are properly aligned. The brackets used for ceramic braces may be what are called self-ligating and which will automatically adjust during treatment. Otherwise, your orthodontist will need to regularly adjust and tighten the wires.

Advantages of choosing Ceramic Braces include:

  • Teeth movements can be extremely precise due to the use of fixed brackets
  • Tooth colored, or clear brackets are less visible than metal braces
  • Ceramic brackets can be more comfortable than metal brackets and may be healthier for gums

Who Should Ceramic Braces?

Ceramic braces are suitable for older teenagers and for adults and can be used to correct a wide range of orthodontic problems. However, ceramic braces do tend to be slightly weaker compared with metal braces. They can be a good option for cosmetically oriented orthodontic problems only affecting the front teeth. Cosmetically oriented ceramic braces can sometimes correct orthodontic problems within a matter of a few months.

For many people the thought of wearing metal braces conjures up an image of heavy and highly visible metal brackets and wires connected to elastics. However, modern metal braces often have smaller brackets designed to have a flatter profile, so they are more comfortable and less visible. Self-ligating brackets eliminate the need for elastics and are connected to technologically advanced memory wires designed to move teeth more quickly and requiring fewer adjustments. Metal braces such as Damon braces are designed to move teeth more quickly so fewer appointments are required.

Advantages of choosing Metallic Braces include:

  • Treatment can be faster and therefore cheaper
  • Modern metallic braces are designed to slide teeth into position, reducing friction
  • The lack of elastics is better for oral health
  • Fixed metal braces can correct even the most complex orthodontic problems

Who Should Metallic Braces?

Sometimes metallic braces can produce a far better treatment outcome compared to Invisalign or ceramic braces, providing the very highest aesthetic results and potentially improving dental health. The most modern metallic braces are relatively easy to care for due to the lack of elastics.

There Is The Right Orthodontic System For You

Thanks to the wide range of orthodontic systems available today, it is easy for just about anyone to straighten their teeth, choosing a brace that fits in with their lifestyle in Dubai. A good orthodontist can discuss all suitable options that could help you after first examining your teeth and jaws. It is worth listening carefully to all the information provided by your orthodontist as they will recommend a system which will provide the very best treatment outcome, giving you a healthier and more attractive smile. With the proper after-care and which includes wearing your retainers as recommended, the results of teeth straightening could last for life.

Why You Can Trust Vilafortuny in Dubai for your teeth straightening treatment

When it comes to teeth straightening as an adult, it is vital you find the right orthodontist with the skills, experience and expertise to help you discover your straighter smile. At Vilafortuny in Dubai we have a team of experienced orthodontic specialists who are able to provide a range of teeth straightening treatments in our state-of-the-art facilities in Dubai.

Meet Dr Abdel Hakim, our Resident Orthodontist

When it comes to straightening your teeth, we understand that you will need the guidance of a specialist orthodontist to ensure you choose the best option for your unique smile. We are privileged to have Dr Abdel Hakim , our resident orthodontist leading the team at Vilafortuny in Dubai. Dr. Hakim completed his postgraduate training in Orthodontics at the University of Colorado, USA in 2006 after earning his DMD from the University of Pittsburgh, USA in 2002. He also holds an MS in Human Genetics from the University of Pittsburgh, BDS from Benghazi University, and an MSD from the University of Colorado. Dr. Hakim is a certified Diplomate in the American Board of Orthodontics (ABO).

At Vilafortuny in Dubai, Dr Hakim understands that orthodontics for adults is a very different skill to adolescent orthodontics, being widely experienced in both areas. Dr Hakim and his team offer the most advanced and latest techniques in adult orthodontics to give you the straighter smile you would like.

Answering Your Questions About Teeth Straightening at Vilafortuny in Dubai

When considering teeth straightening as an adult in Dubai, you will likely have many questions. At Vilafortuny we have helped many patients like you to discover their straighter smile and to choose the right treatment option for their budget, lifestyle and dental concerns to achieve the smile they desire. There are a number of common questions we are asked – including cost of treatment, what is involved and how long it may take – we have compiled a list of answers which is a great place to start with your questions.

If you still have questions, we are happy to help. You can contact the practice for more information and to arrange a consultation, where you can find out more about the teeth straightening treatments we offer in Dubai.

Can My Teeth Be Straightened in Dubai?

A common question that is asked by patients contacting us at Vilafortuny in Dubai is whether teeth straightening will work for their unique smile. Our experienced and highly skilled orthodontic team at Vilafortuny have worked with many patients in Dubai to straighten their teeth. Patients may have a range of reasons for wanting teeth straightening – whether that is crooked teeth, overlapping, gaps in teeth or a wide range of other dental concerns.

What Can You Expect From Teeth Straightening Treatment at Vilafortuny in Dubai?

When it comes to considering teeth straightening as an adult, it can feel quite daunting. Not knowing what to expect from treatment can make patients feel nervous and unsure about whether to take the plunge and rediscover their straighter smile. At Vilafortuny in Dubai our specialist orthodontic team will clearly explain the process of teeth straightening, giving you all the information you need to make a fully informed decision between the treatment options.

Every patient’s journey to straighter teeth is unique because every smile is unique. However there are a number of key milestones along the way that will help you to understand the process involved. As an adult considering teeth straightening in Dubai, we will ensure you are in control of your treatment plan to achieve the smile you desire. Depending on the treatment option chosen, you will be able to co-design your smile and see exactly how your new smile will look before committing to treatment.

Co-Design and Preview Your Straighter Smile With Digital Smile Design

At Vilafortuny in Dubai, Dr Ishaq uses state of the art software, Digital Smile Design to give patients the opportunity to co-design and preview their new straighter smile. We understand that choosing to make a change to your smile as an adult can feel like a huge decision. You want to know your new smile will look natural, suit your face shape and be functional.

During a comprehensive consultation, Dr Ishaq will complete a full oral and dental exam, collate medical history and take photos, video, x-rays and 3d scans of your teeth and jaws to create a complete picture of your unique smile. Using this information and the revolutionary smile planning tool Digital Smile Design, you can then help to co-design your new smile and choose the right treatment for your straighter smile.

You will have the opportunity to preview your new smile – seeing how it will look and suit your face, with an accurate mockup – before committing to treatment.

Would You Like To See How Your Straighter Smile Will Look?

At Vilafortuny in Dubai, Dr Ishaq uses state of the art software, Digital Smile Design to give patients the opportunity to co-design and preview their new straighter smile. We understand that choosing to make a change to your smile as an adult can feel like a huge decision. You want to know your new smile will look natural, suit your face shape and be functional.

During a comprehensive consultation, Dr Ishaq will complete a full oral and dental exam, collate medical history and take photos, video, x-rays and 3d scans of your teeth and jaws to create a complete picture of your unique smile. Using this information and the revolutionary smile planning tool Digital Smile Design, you can then help to co-design your new smile and choose the right treatment for your straighter smile.

You will have the opportunity to preview your new smile – seeing how it will look and suit your face, with an accurate mockup – before committing to treatment.

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