Breast Reduction

Reduced Breast Size
When Less Is More

Women with large breasts can experience low self-esteem just like those with smaller breasts. Breast reduction surgery can improve a patient’s quality of life by reducing the physical and emotional toll that comes with having excessively large breasts. During breast reduction, excess skin, fat, and glandular tissue are removed.

Breast reduction, one of the top five cosmetic procedures in the United Arab Emirates, helps women who struggle with body image and physical discomfort due to their breast size.

So, are you a potential candidate?

Women in good health who have never smoked are the best candidates for a breast reduction. Breast reduction may be an option for you if your breasts:

trigger discomfort in the back, neck, or shoulders.
Bra straps should make regular dents in your skin.
It will irritate your skin right where your breasts meet.
You should cut back on your exercise.
disproportionately overwhelm your frame.
droop and hang loosely.
Experience stretched skin, resulting in enlarged areolas.

The First Appointment

When you first meet with your surgeon, you will go over your goals, concerns, and desired outcomes. Your plastic surgeon will conduct a thorough physical examination and ask you about your medical and lifestyle history.

The following topics are appropriate for discussion during this consultation: the patient’s goals for treatment, their expectations, their current medical conditions (including allergies), their medications, their use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, their personal and family histories, and the results of any previous mammograms or biopsies. Your doctor will need to examine and measure your breasts for medical records, take photographs of them, evaluate your overall health, and discuss the possibility of complications before deciding where to make the incision, what kind of anesthesia will be used, or what the expected outcomes will be.

Preparations for the Procedure

The Vilafortuny staff will provide you with pre-operative care instructions prior to your breast reduction procedure. Before your surgery, you may need to do a few things.

Clinical evaluation and/or laboratory analysis.
The use of a mammogram prior to breast surgery can aid in the early detection of any changes that may occur in the breast tissue.
Make some changes to your current medication regimen or start taking something new.
Quit smoking four weeks before your scheduled surgery.
Do not take any non-steroidal anti-­inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
You should make plans for getting back home after the operation.

What to expect

Vilafortuny performs breast reductions on an outpatient basis. We have plastic surgeons that are board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. An ABPS board-certification requires advanced fellowship training and demonstrated expertise in plastic surgery.


To help you relax before and during surgery, you will be given intravenous or general anesthesia.

Types of Incisions

During a breast reduction procedure, your plastic surgeon may use any one of several different incision techniques. Your condition, the makeup of your breasts, and the desired degree of reduction will determine the incision method used.

A Common Method of Breast Reduction

Excess skin, fat, and glandular tissue in the lower breasts are removed through an anchor-shaped incision made around the areola. This technique works wonderfully for women who have very large breasts.

Reduction of the breasts by means of a vertical incision

Excess skin, fat, and tissue are removed through incisions that start at the areola and continue in a keyhole fashion all the way to the breast crease. Those with average-sized breasts will benefit the most from this method.

The Option of a Scar-Free Breast Reduction

A scarless breast reduction does not involve the removal of any skin, fat, or tissue. Our cosmetic surgeons will instead use liposuction to remove stubborn fat. Women who want to lose weight in the breasts but have minimal excess skin are good candidates for this procedure.

Nipple Position

Your plastic surgeon will make an incision and then move your nipple to where you want it. Excision of skin around the areola can shrink it if that becomes necessary. When a woman has extremely large, drooping breasts, her surgeon may suggest removing the nipple and areola and relocating them higher up on the breast.

The Future Prospects

Vilafortuny performs breast reductions on an outpatient basis. We have plastic surgeons that are board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. An ABPS board certification requires advanced fellowship training and demonstrated expertise in plastic surgery.


You will be able to see the final results of your breast reduction surgery right away, and your appearance will continue to improve over the next few months. Most women feel relieved and content after the procedure is over and they have had time to heal. Your new appearance should last as long as you continue to take care of yourself and maintain a healthy body weight.

Get In Touch With Us

Call us anytime
+971 4 394 3618

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Book a visit to Vilafortuny, simply fill out the form below and we will contact you back regarding the intervention you require.

    Dr. Mario Trelles

    Plastic & Laser Surgeon

    Dr Mario Trelles is a seasoned, highly recognised general surgeon and plastic aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon. He is president of the European Society Laser Aesthetic Surgery …


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    Fuelled by continuous, dedicated research and technological leaps forward, the scope of cosmetic dentistry and plastic and aesthetic surgery grows each year to improve millions of lives.

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