Eyelid Surgery

Tired, droopy eyes?
Eyelid surgery may be the answer.

Furthermore, impaired vision can be treated with this method.

Age-related changes such as hooded and wrinkled eyelids, drooping eyebrows, frown lines, bulging fat pockets, dark circles, and wrinkles around the eyes all contribute to a tired, droopy appearance and blurred vision. Blepharoplasty, also known as an eyelid lift, can restore a youthful appearance to the eyelids by removing sagging skin and excess tissue from the upper and lower eyelid regions.


If you meet the following criteria, you may be a good candidate for eyelid surgery:

Have a healthy body and mind.

lack any significant eye conditions.

Have vision problems as a result of excessive fat or skin.

It is also important for patients to have realistic expectations. For example, eyelid surgery will not correct medical diseases like glaucoma, dry eye or thyroid disorders.


Consultation is the first step in eyelid surgery and will include a discussion of your goals, general health, and lifestyle. During this consultation, Dr. Trelles will answer any questions you may have and go over any concerns you may have. She recommends that you bring any relevant medical records, as well as information about your personal and family history, as well as the outcomes of any previous eye problems or surgeries.


You will be given preoperative instructions for your eyelid surgery that will cover things like:

Clinical evaluation and/or laboratory analysis.

Start new medications or have your current ones adjusted.

The recommended time to quit smoking before surgery is four weeks prior.

Do not take any non-steroidal anti-­inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

You should make plans for getting back home after the operation.


Eyelid surgery is typically an elective, same-day procedure. One can choose between the following two methods of eyelid surgery:

Upper Blepharoplasty

It is common practice to make an incision in an unseen area of the upper eyelids. In order to give your eye a more youthful appearance, the surgeon will make an incision, remove excess skin and tissue, tighten the remaining skin, and sculpt the fat.

Lower Blepharoplasty

Excess skin is removed through an incision made just below the lower eyelashes. To reduce bags under the eyes and reposition fatty tissue, an incision will be made inside the lower eyelid.

Incision closure

The incisions are sutured shut after the desired amount of excess skin has been cut away and the fat has been rearranged and sculpted.


After the surgery, your plastic surgeon will be available to answer any questions you may have and will also give you detailed written instructions.

Home care after surgery is planned.

Drug orders and prescriptions.

Scheduled follow­up visits.

Your eye will be bandaged after the procedure to minimize swelling. There may be some discomfort in the first few days following surgery, but painkillers can help. While the average patient can return to work after a week, vigorous exercise should be avoided for the first two weeks after surgery. After a few months, the incisions will heal to the point where they are unnoticeable.


The results of an eyelid surgery are only visible over the course of a few weeks after the procedure. Although the results are permanent, they may be affected by heredity and lifestyle factors. Due to aging, the skin might become lax and wrinkles might return. If this happens, a forehead lift or a second eyelid surgery will be required.

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    Dr. Mario Trelles

    Plastic & Laser Surgeon

    Dr Mario Trelles is a seasoned, highly recognised general surgeon and plastic aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon. He is president of the European Society Laser Aesthetic Surgery …


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