Liposuction for Men

Liposuction's Male Fan Base Grows in the United Arab Emirates.

Many men find that a combination of healthy eating and regular exercise is necessary to achieve the toned look they desire, but some are unable to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat no matter how hard they try. Liposuction surgery, also known as fat-removal surgery, is intended to help remove such areas of fat.

Vilafortuny elaborates on how this method of fat reduction can be used with relative safety.


Liposuction is something to think about if you:

have trouble reducing fat in certain areas despite maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Possess skin that is both elastic and resilient.

wish to shape and tighten your body


In the first phase, the consultation, you will share information about yourself, your health, and your goals. Reasons for treatment, expectations, current medical conditions (including allergies), medications, alcohol, tobacco, and drug use, and family history are just some of the topics you and your doctor should cover.

If you’re going to have liposuction, your doctor will need to do a full assessment of your health and risk factors, go over possible complications, take measurements and pictures of the areas that will be operated on, decide where to make the incision, what kind of anesthesia will be used, and what the expected outcomes will be.


If you want to have liposuction done, you must do the following first:

Have yourself checked out by a doctor or lab.

Get started on new medications or make adjustments to those you’re already taking
It is recommended that patients refrain from smoking for at least four weeks prior to surgery.

Don’t take any pain relievers, including aspirin and herbal remedies.

Prepare for your return trip home by reserving a ride.


Liposuction is an outpatient procedure at Villafortuny, according to Dr. Trelles. He also warned about the following things to look out for:

You will receive anesthesia right away, both before and during the surgery. Your plastic surgeons will advise you on the best form of anesthesia, which may range from intravenous sedation to general anesthesia.

Incision placement
Before performing liposuction, a sterile liquid is injected into the body to numb the area and reduce bleeding. The surgeon will then make very small incisions in the skin of the patient in the specific locations where fat deposits are to be removed.

Removing fat
Excess fat will be loosened through a controlled back-and-forth motion with a thin cannula inserted through the incisions and under the skin. The dislodged fat will be suctioned out of the body using a surgical vacuum or syringe attached to the cannula, removing it permanently from your body. When the required amount of fat has been removed, the incisions will be sutured shut.


Your plastic surgeon will give you written instructions on a variety of topics, including:

Afterward, at home, you will receive postoperative care.

Drug orders are placed.

Appointments to follow up on something.

There will likely be some discomfort in the days following surgery; painkillers can help. The typical recovery time for a patient is one week. The incision lines will fade over the next few months, even though scarring is unavoidable.


Although the effects of liposuction are permanent, the same areas of the body can gain weight again if the patient adopts an unhealthy lifestyle, gets older, or has a family history of obesity. A healthy lifestyle is essential after surgery. What liposuction can’t do is make you stop worrying about your diet and exercise routine. Large-scale weight loss cannot be achieved with this method.

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    Dr. Mario Trelles

    Plastic & Laser Surgeon

    Dr Mario Trelles is a seasoned, highly recognised general surgeon and plastic aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon. He is president of the European Society Laser Aesthetic Surgery …


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