It is estimated that 80 percent of all people will have an acne breakout at some point in their lives.
The diagnosis of acne vulgaris is a clinical diagnosis. However, some laboratory tests may be ordered in some cases where the doctor suspects a hormonal or bacterial imbalance associated with it.
Here are some facts about Acne:
- It is not the result of poor hygiene. In other words, it does not result from a lot of dirt on the skin or in the pores.
- Eating “junk food, chocolate or high-fat foods” does not cause acne.
- It is not a bacterial infection. It is a common chronic skin disease that involves blockage and/or inflammation of the hair follicles and associated sebaceous gland, usually affecting the face, upper chest and back.
- Acne vulgaris may have a psychological effect on any patient, regardless of the severity or degree of the disease.
Common Myths about Acne
- Only teenagers get it! Although it most frequently appears in adolescents. This is not true. It can show at any age.
- There’s one line of treatment only! Wrong. It can present with variable features (whiteheads, blackheads, pus bumps, inflamed nodules/cysts or a combination of all!) and with variable severity, that needs a customized care plan, that includes a combination of a few topical products (such as medicated washes, gels or creams) and possibly oral medications for more severe cases.
- It clears within a week or so! This is a major myth. Clearing acne takes consistency and persistence. Unfortunately, the improvement is not noticeable overnight and typically takes several weeks. Stick to your doctor’s plan , Don’t believe on the miraculous overnight results shown on TV or the internet!
- It is caused by dirt! It cannot be traced to dirt or poor hygiene. In fact, washing too frequently or scrubbing too vigorously can irritate skin and make it worse.
- Eating chocolate and greasy foods causes acne.
- Stress causes acne! It’s not caused by stress, but stress can make it worse.
- Popping pimples makes them go away sooner! Quite the contrary: Squeezing pimples and blackheads can lead to additional inflammation, infection and scarring.
- Getting a tan helps clear up acne! A little time in the sun won’t hurt, but prolonged exposure to the sun or tanning devices can irritate skin.
- It will go away on its own! It typically does not resolve on its own. Without treatment, It can often progress and worsen.