Gynecomastia Surgery

When enlarged male breasts cause distress, gynecomastia can be a lifesaver for some men.

Despite the common perception that only women get cosmetic breast surgeries, male breast reduction has become a highly sought-after procedure in recent years. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), male breast reduction (also known as gynecomastia) was the third most common cosmetic procedure in 2015. A firmer, more masculine chest may be the result of this procedure.

In men, enlarged breast tissue can be the result of hormonal imbalances or long-term illnesses.

While certain drugs like anabolic steroids, medications containing estrogen, and alcohol, and medical conditions like cancer and impaired liver function may cause or contribute to enlarged male breasts, it is widely accepted that a large percentage of cases are caused by unknown conditions.


Men who suffer from the following issues in the chest area may be good candidates for male breast reduction surgery:

Tissue that forms a disc under the chin and can be palpated as a mass.

Mammary glands that are significantly larger than average.

Breasts with an abnormally large amount of glandular tissue.

It is important for patients to have realistic expectations about their surgery. Gynecomastia is not a form of weight loss. The best candidates for gynecomastia surgery are men who are already in good physical and mental health.


The first step in getting a gynecomastia is scheduling a consultation, during which you and your doctor will talk about your goals for the procedure, as well as your current health and lifestyle. During this consultation, your questions and concerns will be answered, and you will be able to talk about your reasons for treatment, expectations, current medical conditions, allergies, medications, and use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, as well as your personal and family history, as well as the outcomes of any previous surgeries.

Additionally, you should not smoke and avoid taking any anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin for at least two weeks prior to your procedure.


Male breast reduction is performed under general or local anesthesia as an outpatient procedure that can take up to two hours. Liposuction or the surgical removal of glandular tissue is used to treat enlarged male breasts. The procedure can be done separately or in conjunction with lipoplasty. If liposuction is all that’s needed to get rid of excess fat, then that’s all that will be performed.


A special compression garment will be used to bandage your chest after the procedure in order to minimize swelling. Any pain felt after surgery can be treated with prescribed pain medication. Most men can go back to work after a week, but they shouldn’t do anything too physically taxing for the first four to six weeks after surgery.


The final results of gynecomastia will become apparent over the weeks following the procedure, as swelling and bruising subside. If you want to boost your confidence, shaping your chest to look more masculine is a quick and easy way to do it.

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