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Liposuction Ranks Top Cosmetic Surgery Procedure in the UAE

Vilafortuny explains how the procedure can help safely remove excess fat

“If you’ve been exercising and eating healthy for a long time now, but are still seeing certain areas of stubborn fat deposits, a liposuction could be the answer. The procedure can be instrumental in achieving a toned and slimmer look as it significantly cuts down the size of fat cells in stubborn areas,” says Dr Trelles, plastic and laser surgeon at state-of-the-art dentistry, plastic and aesthetic laser surgery clinic Vilafortuny.

So are you a candidate?

You might want to consider a liposuction if you:

  • Have a disproportionate body shape.
  • Have areas of stubborn fat that do not recede with regular exercise and a healthy diet.
  • Have skin with good elasticity.
  • The desire to contour and tone up your body

The initial consultation

The first step in a liposuction procedure is a consultation, which will comprise a discussion regarding your expectations, your overall health and your lifestyle. Your questions and concerns will be addressed during this consultation and you should be prepared to discuss: reasons for treatment, expectations, existing medical conditions including allergies, current medication and use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs, and personal and family history.

Additionally, your doctor may also need to evaluate your overall health and risk factors, discuss potential complications, measure the body parts where liposuction is required and photograph them for medical records, discuss options for incision location, anaesthesia and outcomes.

Preparing for the procedure

Prior to your liposuction surgery, you will be given instructions on what to do before, including steps such as:

  • Lab testing and/or medical evaluation.
  • Begin taking certain medications or adjust your current medications
  • Stop smoking four weeks before surgery.
  • Avoid taking any herbal and anti-­inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin.
  • Arrange for transportation home after the procedure.
  • Arrange for someone to stay with you for one night after the procedure.

What to expect

“Vilafortuny performs liposuction on an outpatient basis,” notes Dr. Trelles. “We have plastic surgeons that are board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. An ABPS board-certification requires advanced fellowship training and demonstrated expertise in plastic surgery.”

Dr Trelles further advises to expect the following:


Anaesthesia will be administered immediately, prior to and during your procedure. Choices of anaesthesia include intravenous sedation and general anaesthesia – your plastic surgeons will recommend the best choice for you.

Incision placement

A sterile liquid is injected into the body to numb and lessen the bleeding in the areas that require liposuction. The surgeon will then make tiny incisions in the targeted areas of the skin where fat deposits will be removed.

Removing fat

A thin cannula will be inserted through the incisions and underneath the skin to loosen excess fat using a controlled back and forth motion. The dislodged fat will be suctioned out of the body using a surgical vacuum or syringe attached to the cannula, removing it permanently from your body.

After the desired amount of fat is eliminated from the body, your incisions will be closed using sutures.

What to expect after

Your plastic surgeon will be available to address concerns and questions after the procedure and will provide written instructions regarding:

  • Post-surgery care to follow at home.
  • Prescriptions for medication.
  • Follow­-up appointments.

“After the procedure, your body parts will be bandaged to reduce swelling. It is common to experience some soreness during the first few days after surgery – pain medication can be prescribed to help ease these symptoms. Most patients can return to work after one week, but strenuous physical activity is discouraged for the first two to three weeks following surgery. Even though scarring is inevitable, the incision lines will diminish over the next few months,” comments Dr Trelles on what to expect after the procedure.


“Although liposuction results are permanent as problematic fat cells have been removed, factors such as adopting an unhealthy lifestyle, ageing, pregnancy and genetics can cause an individual to gain weight again in the same areas. Post-surgery, a healthy lifestyle is crucial,” notes Dr Trelles. “What a liposuction treatment doesn’t do is replace a healthy lifestyle. It is not a solution for massive weight-loss.”



Fuelled by continuous, dedicated research and technological leaps forward, the scope of cosmetic dentistry and plastic and aesthetic surgery grows each year to improve millions of lives.

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Fuelled by continuous, dedicated research and technological leaps forward, the scope of cosmetic dentistry and plastic and aesthetic surgery grows each year to improve millions of lives.

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