Dr. Frederic Brunner

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Dr Frederic Brunner

Dentist / Implantologist / Smile Designer

The Dr. Federico Brunner , Spanish, born in Argentina, he moved to Madrid with his family when he was 15 where he finished high school, pursuing his studies in junior college at the Faculty of Medicine at the Complutense University of Madrid, and later , finishing his degree in Dentistry in 2001 at the Alfonso X el Sabio University in Madrid.

Federico, eager for culture and to renew and update his professional training, has traveled and travels the world working and specializing. His first trip as a recent graduate was in 2001 to Nicaragua, Central America, collaborating with the NGO Dentistas Sin Fronteras. Later, in his post-university training, he has traveled specializing in surgery, implants and dental aesthetics, passing through Havana (Cuba), New York, Boston, Italy, Portugal, Brazil, Miami, Romania, Ukraine, Russia. In 2011 Dr. Brunner went to work in England where he stayed for almost 6 years. ( Click here for more information consulting CV )

His dedication and passion for dentistry has led him to be a current international benchmark. Currently Dr. Brunner combines his clinical work in Madrid with international conferences traveling all over the world. His next conferences in 2017 will take him to Houston (Texas), Switzerland, Lisbon, Barcelona, ​​Argentina, Singapore, Norway, Italy.

Dr. Brunner is part of the international team of Smile Designers (DSD) , being accredited official DSD Master of the famous method-protocol called Digital Smile Design.

In 2014 he received in England the award for the best implant case in the previous sector. In 2015 he received the award for the best aesthetic dentist of the year from all over the United Kingdom (you can watch the videos of the awards ceremonies at the Aesthetic Dentistry Awards in England).

After many years working abroad, Dr. Brunner has decided to return and re-establish himself in the land that saw him grow and educate himself; He decided to return home and settle forever in Madrid



Fuelled by continuous, dedicated research and technological leaps forward, the scope of cosmetic dentistry and plastic and aesthetic surgery grows each year to improve millions of lives.

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Fuelled by continuous, dedicated research and technological leaps forward, the scope of cosmetic dentistry and plastic and aesthetic surgery grows each year to improve millions of lives.

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