Dr. Kathrin Trelles

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Dr Kathrin Trelles

GP, Implantologist Y& MSc Lasers

Dr Kathrin Trelles, a general dental practitioner and founder of state-of-the-art dentistry, plastic and aesthetic laser surgery clinic Vilafortuny, has been practising in Dubai since 1999. She is a member of the Spanish Society of Laser Oral Application (SELO) as well as the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD).

Dr Trelles has a Masters in Oral Laser Applications from the University of Barcelona Spain (EMDOLA) and a Masters in Implantology from the University of Warwick, UK. Dr Trelles is also currently undertaking a PhD in Laser Dentistry at the University of Barcelona, Spain, as well as an accreditation programme with the AACD.

As an international trainer, she instructs doctors across the Middle East theoretical and practical implementation of Lasers in Dentistry



Fuelled by continuous, dedicated research and technological leaps forward, the scope of cosmetic dentistry and plastic and aesthetic surgery grows each year to improve millions of lives.

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Fuelled by continuous, dedicated research and technological leaps forward, the scope of cosmetic dentistry and plastic and aesthetic surgery grows each year to improve millions of lives.

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