Dr Ahmed Al Omar, pediatric dentist explains the most common oral health problems in children, when to bring your child to the dentist and how parents can prevent their kids from getting toothache/tooth decay
Dr Ahmed Al Omar, pediatric dentist explains the most common oral health problems in children, when to bring your child to the dentist and how parents can prevent their kids from getting toothache/tooth decay
Where Can I Find a Specialist Dentist in Dubai? Here at Vilafortuny on Wasl Road in Dubai, we specialize in making you look stunning and beautiful in every way, including your teeth (with the help of our specialist dentists in Dubai). We offer a wide variety of the most modern dental procedures and plastic surgeries...
Marilyn Monroe, the iconic Hollywood movie star from the 1950s and 1960s said it best when she said, “A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.” And that rings true today in almost every corner of the world for both men and women even if they don’t use cosmetics. Dental restoration procedures are a dream come true for those who simply want to improve their smile and for those who have suffered an injury or illness that has affected their dental condition...